DC Constantine TV series is finally in the works, but what took so long?

John ConstantineHoping to change its view instead of constantly watching Marvel Comics conquer the comic book and movie fronts — and don’t look now, but “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” looks like it’ll be a solid TV hit as well — DC Comics is trying to become a force on the TV market.

Earlier this week, news broke of a Gotham City TV series in the works with FOX and now, another announcement today reveals that another longtime DC staple, John Constantine, may be getting the small screen treatment courtesy of a partnership with NBC.

Constantine is a chain-smoking, occult detective whose been a popular fringe character in the DC since appearing in the 1980s Swamp Thing series.

David Goyer, the “Man of Steel” and “The Dark Knight” screenwriter, will produce and “The Mentalist” writer Daniel Cerone will handle the script.

But with the popularity of shows like “Supernatural,” “The X-Files” and “Fringe,” does anyone else think it’s well past time for DC to have gotten Constantine a show? Constantine movie Keanu Reeves

Granted, the 2005 movie starring Keanu Reeves and Rachel Weisz didn’t exactly set box office records — it only made $75 million off a $100 million budget — but of the numerous DC Comics’ properties, he’s one of the few that would easily translate to a series.

There’s no need a massive special effects budget or at least nothing more extensive than an episode of “Fringe,” and he’s not so well known that writers can’t take liberties with the character, but anti-heroes are all the rage on TV these days and Constantine will fit right in.Baltimore Comic Con 2013 - Constantine

No news on casting just yet, but if I were to make a suggestion

In the meanwhile, one project we know is already underway is the “Justice League Dark” movie that also features Constantine and a bunch of other occult/magic heroes in the DC Universe. Want to see it? Here’s how you can help.

Alright, so what do you think?