New images from “Thor: The Dark World”

Marvel Studios Loki (Tom Hiddleston) & Thor (Chris Hemsworth)
Marvel Studios
Loki (Tom Hiddleston) & Thor (Chris Hemsworth)

There’s not much I’m looking forward to seeing in September and October. For me, the next exciting month of the remaining 2013 movie season is definitely November and it kicks off in a big way with “Thor: The Dark World.”

Figured I’d share some of my excitement by taking a look at some new images from the film. Enjoy.

Marvel Studios Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and a Kronan.
Marvel Studios
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and a Kronan.

Here’s the official synopsis:

Jay Maidment/Marvel Studios Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Heimdall (Idris Elba)
Jay Maidment/Marvel Studios
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Heimdall (Idris Elba)

Faced with an enemy that even Odin and Asgard cannot withstand, Thor must embark on his most perilous and personal journey yet, one that will reunite him with Jane Foster and force him to sacrifice everything to save us all.

Jay Maidment/Marvel Studios Dark Elf and Malekith (Chris Eccleston)
Jay Maidment/Marvel Studios
Dark Elf and Malekith (Chris Eccleston)

“Thor: The Dark World” comes to theaters Nov. 8. A little over two months from now, but the wait for the next chapter in Marvel Studios’ Phase II is almost here.

9 thoughts on “New images from “Thor: The Dark World””

  1. Well I hope this is a lot better than the last one. So far this Thor thing has been at the 10 year old level. The story was just not interesting. It seems this step-Brother, Lodi? stirred some interest. Family jealousy usually does. But I just found the film to rediculous and unmoving to boot.

    1. I liked the first “Thor” myself, but I understand what you’re saying. Everything is telling me this film will be superior to the first film in every way, I just feel it. Ane there is no 10 year old theme I see going on with this film at all, if anything it looks to be ‘Dark’ like the title suggest, I think this film is going to have some “Game Of Thrones” and “LOTR” feel and elements to it. So we’ll see soon.

      1. OK, I will withhold judgement until I see it. I think THOR’S contribution to the AVENGERS was not a big deal too.

      2. If not for the obvious ‘Loki’ connection I would tend to agree with you, but yeah as far as the lack of some scenes in the film at times I agree with you. And Thor was the last of the Avengers to show up on screen. Now i’m definitely not saying “Thor: TDW” is going to be one of the greatest CBM’s ever, just like you I won’t know how good it is until I see it in the theater. I hope it’s absolutely great, we’ll see in about 6 weeks.

  2. Jeff this is the film i’m most looking forward to seeing this Fall/Winter. There are not many films is September/October that has me real excited either, but there are three you would be wise to not overlook, “12 Years a Slave”(My second most anticipated film of Fall/Winter), “Oldboy” remake and “Gravity”.

Alright, so what do you think?