Robert Downey Jr. shares why he recruited Chris Evans to play Captain America

Robert Downey Jr and Chris EvansNot sure about you, but I couldn’t imagine anyone but Chris Evans playing Captain America at this point and the guy we have to thank partly for that (as we do a great number of things in this awesome Avengers franchise) is Robert Downey Jr.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Downey shared how he helped convince Evans to take the role of the Avengers’ leader.

There was so much riding on (playing the part of) what essentially could be considered the squarest superhero in history. It was probably the most risky of the franchises we launched. I say “we,” like I’m a company man, which I like to think I am. Robert Downey Jr. with Iron Man fansBy the way, I’m a fan of his. I’m not kidding. I’m having 50 kids over and I’m screening “Captain America 2” on my birthday, which happens to be the day it opens. I haven’t seen it. That’s one of the perks of being on the inside track at Marvel. I hope it’s not watermarked too heavily.

When asked about how much longer he’ll be suiting up in Iron Man’s armor, Downey had this perfectly endearing response:

The smart money is you have to look at everybody’s age. I’ll put myself at the top of the list. Sooner or later, they’ve got to start over and get somebody young. I’m not there with them yet. It really is the closest thing to being a beloved contract player with a big old-timey studio that there is right now. Chris Evans with Captain America fan

When you really think about it at the end of the day, these films are entertainment largely driven by young folks. There is something very honorable about that. I run into kids wearing “Captain America” masks. My kid believes that Captain America is real.

And on the much-anticipated “The Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Downey said we could expect some big things, including a bigger role for one bowman.

This one is a very ambitious sequel. If you read it, it’s dense, it’s smart. Joss (Whedon) is a really smart guy. My 2-year-old is crazy about Hawkeye, and I think Jeremy (Renner) has a lot to do with the plot. There’s always so many plates to spin to get these things half-right, and I’m really excited about this one.

4 thoughts on “Robert Downey Jr. shares why he recruited Chris Evans to play Captain America”

  1. It was a wise choice by Evans to take the role, even he has had to admit that his role of Steve Rogers/Captain America has allowed him the opportunity to direct films and star and get other roles. To me this guy seems like a natural fit for the role of ‘Cap’, and if what I hear of this film is true, his popularity in the role is about to increase immensely. Damn April 4th cannot get here soon enough lol, I can’t wait to see you’re review Jeff and what you have to say about the ‘Winter Soldier’. I know you can’t really comment on the film until you release your review, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the film did not disappoint you.

  2. robert need to run for office, or buy a pro sports franchise after all that bank he is getting. way to go. Evans seems like a good dude. I know he may want to other things, but dont drop the cash for artistic suffering.. do both. But I say that for my own selfish purposes. Glad the movie is taking the approach to the early spring. Nothing will get in its way. Great lead in for the summer before Xmen

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