Birthday Wishes – Aug. 15, 2014 – Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lawrence

Ben Affleck buffed upBen Affleck (42) – May you stay far, far away from any irritating fanboys who want to use “Daredevil,” as all the example they need for why you’ll be a lousy Batman in “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” without giving you a chance first. BTW, I really enjoyed “Daredevil” and thought you did just fine, but I know you’re gonna blow everyone’s expectations away as Batman/Bruce Wayne.

Jennifer Lawrence Cannes 2014Jennifer Lawrence (24) – With two films slated for the end of this year, the much-anticipated “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1” and your all but guaranteed Oscar-contender “Serena,” there’s no doubt that the winter will belong to J-Law. Here’s to another year of being the celebrity most regular folks would want to hang out with.




2 thoughts on “Birthday Wishes – Aug. 15, 2014 – Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lawrence”

    1. It’s crazy as this was one I was looking forward to seeing, but they didn’t screen it for MD/DC area critics and I kinda have a standing rule not to reward that behavior by paying to see it. I won’t get around to reviewing it until it stumbles onto cable, which at the rate is looking will be about December.

Alright, so what do you think?