Baltimore Comic Con 2015 pictures and comic creator showcase

One of my favorite events of the year is the Baltimore Comic Con. It was my first Comic Con and it always holds a special place for me. This year’s event was no different as I spent most of Saturday chatting up creators behind some of my favorite comic book stories, buying some artwork, scanning for some action figure deals and getting scores of awesome cosplay.Baltimore Comic Con 2015 -Marvel Legends loose action figures

Today’s gallery is dedicated to the superstars of Comic Con — the artists and writers who make my love of comics so worthwhile. Most of them will still be in attendance Sunday so if you don’t have serious plans, head down to the Baltimore Convention Center and show ’em a little love. They don’t bite and are always the most gracious celebrities you can interact with at these events.

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 -Ethan Van SciverEvan Van Sciver, the dynamic artist for series including X-Men, Green Lantern and The Flash, was cool as heck to chat with and he had some great artwork on sale.

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 - Neal AdamsNeal Adams, the superstar artist of his era, was hard at work doing commissions for fans. He drew an outstanding Daryl Dixon from “The Walking Dead,” which I highly recommend for fans. Adams’ commission line fills up quickly so stop by early to ensure he’ll get your work completed.

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 -Charles SouleCharles Soule and I had a mutual admiration society going for our love of Lando Calrissian. Soule is the writer for the Lando comic at Marvel. I reviewed issue 3 here. The limited series has one more issue, but Soule said he’s got ideas for more stories, which would be outstanding.

I also talked with Frank Cho, Sean Chen, Greg Pak, Brandon Peterson and the man who penned the greatest crossover of all-time — Crisis on Infinite Earths — Marv Wolfman.

My pal Serena Loder was on hand selling work from her Twisted Mirrors series as well as buttons featuring her artwork. Serena’s work is familiar to anyone who’s checked out my Cosplay Confidential series as she designed the logo for that feature. She’s a local artist so please swing by and check out her stuff and tell her you read about her on Lyles Movie Files.Baltimore Comic Con 2015 -Serena and Jessica

Former WWE Diva and current Lucha Underground star Melina Perez was in attendance and cosplaying as Kingdom Come era Wonder Woman no less. Melina was awesome to talk to and just like me, she’s ecstatic to kick off season 2 of Lucha Underground, which should start airing in January. Melina even offered up the possibility of her stepping into the ring and battling stars like Sexy Star and Ivelisse.Baltimore Comic Con 2015 -WWE Diva Lucha Underground Melina

I spotted some sweet Star Wars robes and more artwork I wanted to buy than possible.

I took over 200 pages of cosplayers so it’s gonna take me a couple of days to edit through them all. For now here’s a quick teaser. Baltimore Comic Con 2015 - wide cosplay on stepsFor a full run-down on Sunday’s events, including photo sessions with “Arrow” stars Katie Cassidy and Paul Blackthorne, click here.

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