Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay Gallery 1

As promised, here’s the first run of some of the amazing cosplay on display at this year’s Baltimore Comic Con. You’ve absolutely got to give it up to the level of creativity, skill and hard work to pull these outfits off.Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay - Welcome sign

There’s a few I didn’t know so if you do, please let me know so I can give the full credit to the amazing work. Enjoy!

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay -Spider-Woman and Mandril

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay -Spider-Man and Deadpool with Uncle Ben

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay -Huntress and Mike Nelson

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay - 300 Rise of an Empire

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay -Cara Nicole as Power Girl

Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay -main shot of cosplayers on steps

2 thoughts on “Baltimore Comic Con 2015 cosplay Gallery 1”

Alright, so what do you think?