Force Awakens shatters Thursday box office record

As expected, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has broken the first of what is likely to be several box office records this weekend.

With $57 million from Thursday night screenings, Force Awakens easily crushed the $43.5 million haul from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows’ Part 2 back in July 2011

Potter fans won’t be the only one to see their franchise choking on Awakens’ wake. Jurassic World earned a record opening weekend of $208.8 million in June, but it doesn’t appear that its record will survive the weekend.

At this point, just how much Force Awakens appears to be the most intriguing question. Reaching anywhere from $210 million to $215 million certainly seems possible.

17 thoughts on “Force Awakens shatters Thursday box office record”

  1. I went back today to see it for a second time. I saw a few little details i never saw the first time. Likely i will see more in viewings to come. And unlike the first time, i actually had to wipe away a flood of tears during the scene on the catwalk this time(The first time i was expecting it to happen, but wasn’t sure).
    It’s going to be a long wait for the next one.

      1. The first time, it was too fresh. But i knew it was coming this time. And not only that, i was thinking about it coming the entire movie. So it had more impact for me this second time. You think about all that he has been through, all that he has suffered and fought for, the implied villainy he had slid back into to survive(Which hints at a New Republic where it wasn’t all peaches and cream after Palpatine died), and his second redemption during the Force Awakens. It was heart-breaking.
        I can actually see a possible thread running through the movies now that i didn’t on my first viewing. I don’t want to post my thoughts here as they may contain spoilers.

  2. There are 3 movies I’m trying to see before the year ends, “Creed”, “Chi-Raq” and “Force Awakens” which has gotten rave reviews and that bodes really well for the film. 57 million is insane, at this point it would be pretty shocking if ‘FA’ didn’t crack 200 million this weekend. At worst it should hit 210 million this weekend and at best i’ll say 225 million, it is a monster in progress. It also should become the first film to cross 100 million in a single day. 230 million might not be out of reach either but Saturday will be the day that determines that, what do you think Jeff.

    1. I think you’re right man. I see $100M as a very definite possibility. The theater I was at last night was packed. I’d never seen anything like it. Definitely a big event feel much more than any Avengers film I’ve seen.

      1. I believe you man lol. I just seen the updated numbers and it now looks like “Force Awakens” could reach between 130-145 million on Friday alone and 250-275 over the weekend, absolutely insane. This record is going to be damn near impossible for any film to break now. I think the only film that might have a shot at this record is one of the ‘Infinity War’ films and that’s only if a few things happen, one is those films have to be great and polarizing, two they have to have a strong build up and anticipation, much stronger than AOU was. I do think “Captain America: Civil War” has a shot at having the second biggest opening weekend ever behind “Force Awakens” if it’s great. I have to go check out “Force Awakens” this week though.

      2. I think you’re right about Civil War. The only thing Marvel has that could match Star Wars is that second chapter of Infinity War and that’s putting a lot of pressure on the Russos, but I think they’ll deliver.

      3. Yes the Russos definitely have to deliver which I think they can as well. “Civil War” will define the potential for the Infinity War films. If the Russos knock ‘Civil War’ out the park I don’t expect it to reach “Force Awakens” record opening weekend, but a 200 million plus opening weekend could certainly come into play.

      4. Yeah I think it’s in the cards as well. If the movie proves to be great and Marvel doesn’t give every damn thing away in to many countless trailers and tv spots the film could have a huge build up of anticipation and flourish from it like “Force Awakens” is doing. I love that they didn’t sell their hand on Luke Skywalker and give him away, I know he has a significant role in the film but the way they we’re selling the film you would never know that. They made it seem like Luke Skywalker was going to barely appear in this film for a cameo but I know better than that. Like Luke Skywalker I believe Spider-Man might have a bigger role in “Civil War” than they’re putting on. For me I don’t need to see Spider-man before the film releases, keep him a mystery and learn a lesson from your fellow studio film “Force Awakens”, they do that and “Civil War” could see a 210-230 million opening weekend itself.

      5. Supposed to be seeing it with a friend in about an hour and a half, i’ll let you know what I thought of it if I catch it today/

      6. Just updated the box office numbers. I figured it would sneak past Jurassic World with about $214M, but after that massive Friday opening, projections are much higher. Think we’re looking at one of those once in a lifetime box office events.

      7. We are coming into a busy time of year at work, but i am hoping to get to see it at least once a week in the next month. I expect TFA will be at cinemas for quite a bit.

Alright, so what do you think?