Force Awakens box office update: No. 22 on all-time list

Remember how a few years ago everything and everyone was all about Frozen? If you didn’t know the words to Let it Go by the end of 2013 you may have been chilling on Mars with Matt Damon.

As major as that success was for Walt Disney Pictures just two years ago, it’s starting to seem like Star Wars: The Force Awakens wasn’t getting enough credit for its potential impact on box office records.

Disney Olaf warms up by the fire.
Olaf warms up by the fire.

In just its first full week in theaters, Force Awakens is just $10 million shy of overtaking Elsa, Anna and Olaf for No. 22 on the all-time highest grossing list. Force Awakens currently sits at $391 million after bringing in $27.9 million on Christmas Eve trailing Frozen at $400.7 million.

By the time Christmas numbers are reported, even with a cautious number of just $20 million — Force Awakens will surpass the all-time gross of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ($402.1 million), Jurassic Park ($402.4 million), Spider-Man ($403.7 million), The Hunger Games ($408 million) and Iron Man 3 ($409 million) to take the No. 16 all-time highest grossing slot.

Getting into the teens of course, isn’t the big prize for Force Awakens as it’s gunning for Avatar’s all-time record of $760.5 million. Christmas Eve numbers are in and Force Awakens is still trending favorably in the day to day comparisons. In 2009, Avatar earned $11 million on Christmas Eve compared to $27.5 million for Force Awakens.

In its second weekend, Avatar held up remarkably well with $75.6 million down a mere $2 million from its opening weekend of $77 million. Avatar didn’t fail to bring in less than $50 million until its sixth week in theaters. Force Awakens doesn’t have to follow the same trajectory since it has such a massive head start. Avatar earned $137 million its first week in theaters. Force Awakens nearly doubled that its opening weekend.


Alright, so what do you think?