Tag Archives: box office

Marvel’s The Avengers becomes third film to reach $600 million

Courtesy Walt Disney Pictures
[From Left] Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), and Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) prepare for the final battle

Marvel’s The Avengers becomes third film to reach $600 million.

Box office roundup: “Battleship” can’t stay afloat against “Marvel’s The Avengers”

Courtesy Walt Disney Pictures
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson)

In a shock to really no one paying attention to the box-office the last three weeks, Marvel’s The Avengers capsized, sunk and every other sea-related pun you can think of regarding “Battleshipto remain #1 at the box office with a $55 million gross.

Here’s this week’s roundup:

1.“Marvel’s The Avengers” – ($55 million; $457 million – third week) Iron Man and company remained on top, cracked the $450 million barrier and became the new #5 U.S. highest grossing film with $457 million. By Wednesday at the latest, it should eclipse #4 “Star Wars – Episode IV – A New Hope,” which has $460.9 million. Worldwide, it’s earned $1.18 billion for the highest grossing fourth spot on those charts just a bit earlier than the domestic front. Now it trails “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 2″ with $1.32 billion and then faces the James Cameron combo of “Titanic” ($1.8 billion) and “Avatar” ($2.78 billion).

2. “Battleship” – Brought in $25.3 million in its debut week. The person I feel for the most in this is Taylor Kitsch, who with this film’s poor showing in addition to “John Carter’s” underwhelming box office take, has really had a miserable 2012 and his chance of being a box office star has taken a major blow.

3.“The Dictator” – ($17.4 million; $24.4 million total – debut week)  Looks like the gag’s just about over for Sacha Baron Cohen as his latest failed to make much of an impact, despite getting a two-day head start on “Battleship” with a Wednesday opening. The combined take of the second and third grossing films this weekend wasn’t enough to beat out “The Avengers.”

4. “Dark Shadows” – ($12.8 million; $50.9 million – second week). Now in its second week, The Johnny Depp/Tim Burton collaboration wasn’t able to make as much total as “The Avengers” did in its third weekend.

5. “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” – ($10.5 million; debut week) Certainly not a fifth-place finish for a film starring Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez. Is J-Lo really sure now is the time to quit “American Idol?”

About the $200.3 million take for “Marvel’s The Avengers.”


photo by Zade Rosenthal/Walt Disney Pictures

Captain America (Chris Evans) stands tall among a crowd in “Marvel’s The Avengers.” The Marvel Studios film similarly stood out among its box office competition.

It was actually higher than expected bringing in a total of $207.4 million. That’s a pretty significant increase!

To further put that into perspective. The $7.4 million alone was more than every other film in the top 10 save “Think Like a Man,” which made $8 million in its third week.