Tag Archives: Daniel Craig

James Bond – building the perfect 007 action figure line

Money. A Lotta Money. As in a lot being left on the table with the 007 license holders not partnering up with some toy company to give modern figure collectors a new obsession.

With over 25 films, some of the most memorable characters in cinematic history and tons of variant options, the 007 license is a goldmine that someone seriously needs to start tapping into for the 6″ market. Exclusive Premiere cranked out a Bond line for awhile, but considering sculpting and advances in articulation, it’s time for someone to take a new crack at it.

For my four figure wave lineup, I stuck to the formula of a Bond, a Bond Babe, a main villain and a henchman from various 007 films. Here’s how I’d roll the line out: Continue reading James Bond – building the perfect 007 action figure line

Spectre review – Craig gets a pretty good 007 film

Daniel Craig has starred in a couple of really great movies playing James Bond, but in “Spectre” he finally stars in an very good outing that’s unmistakably a 007 movie.

Neither as revelatory as “Skyfall” or fresh as “Casino Royale,” Craig’s fourth turn as 007 is a throwback for fans who’ve wanted more of that old Bond spirit shot under the masterful direction of Sam Mendes. Continue reading Spectre review – Craig gets a pretty good 007 film

Meet new ‘Bond Babe’ Stephanie Sigman #SPECTRE

spectreJames Bond is going to have his hands full in his latest adventure, “SPECTRE” with the announcement of a new Bond Babe.

Stephanie Sigman, 28, has been cast as Estrella, a mysterious woman in Bond’s life. Sigman will be joining the already cast Monica Bellucci and Lea Seydoux.

Sigman will be most familiar to viewers of “The Bridge,” but the Bond gig will by far be her most high profile role.




36 films you must see in 2015 – 2015 Movie Preview

2015 Happy New YearWe’re finally here! 2015 may very well go down as the best movie year of the decade, but with so many options vying for your time and hard-earned dollars how do you make sense of it all? Good question.

I (probably somewhat foolhardy) decided to narrow down your decisions each month to the one film you absolutely, no doubt definitely have to see. And then, if you’ve got the time there’s a runner-up you likely will want to check out as well and there’s at least one sorta under the radar film you’ll want to pay attention to as well. So get out your phone and start lining up your schedules around 2015’s essential viewing movie list. Continue reading 36 films you must see in 2015 – 2015 Movie Preview