Tag Archives: Hot Toys

Hot Toys Obi Wan Kenobi Star Wars figure review

One of the best parts of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is it’s motivated me to finally getting around to reviewing some of the amazing Hot Toys Star Wars figures that I’ve recently added to the collection.

Obi-Wan Kenobi may be the one character who appeared in the first six films that I found myself liking much more in the prequels. I really enjoyed Ewan McGregor’s maturing take on the character from The Phantom Menace to Revenge of the Sith.

Today, of course, I’m looking at the original incarnation of old Ben Kenobi played by the incomparable Alec Guinness. Short of a Force Ghost variant, this is really the only version of the older Obi-Wan we need so let’s see if Hot Toys delivered. Continue reading Hot Toys Obi Wan Kenobi Star Wars figure review

Hot Toys Deadpool figure up for pre-order

Not only does Deadpool appear to be one of the most promising comic book adaptations in a long time, it also features one of the best comics to big screen costume translations in pretty much forever.

If for no other reason than that, I’m excited about this latest tremendous looking reveal from Hot Toys. Continue reading Hot Toys Deadpool figure up for pre-order

Hot Toys War Machine figure Captain America Civil War

Yes, I know Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is the first big blockbuster of 2016, but for me I’m all about May when Captain America and Iron Man square off in Civil War.

Hot Toys is already whetting collectors’ appetite as well with the first official reveal of the line — War Machine. Continue reading Hot Toys War Machine figure Captain America Civil War

Hot Toys debuts Captain America: Civil War, Batman v Superman figures

Hot Toys revealed its highly anticipated 2016 lineup of figures from next year’s biggest films including Captain America: Civil War and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice at ToySoul 2015. There’s a lot of great stuff so let’s not waste any more time talking about it and check it out! Continue reading Hot Toys debuts Captain America: Civil War, Batman v Superman figures

Hot Toys Han Solo and Chewbacca Star Wars figure review

Can you feel it? The hype for Star Wars: Force Awakens is almost over and we’re just hours away from the biggest release of 2015. Not that I needed anything else to get me stoked for the next chapter in the Star Wars saga, but I decided now was as good a time as any to take a look at the latest Hot Toys figure set.

There’s Bert & Ernie, Nathan Drake & Sully or Batman & Robin, but for me the quintessential twosome are Han Solo and Chewbacca. Given the option to purchase them together was a no-brainer for me. Let’s see if they can make the Kessel Run or conk out before reaching hyperdrive. Hit it!

Continue reading Hot Toys Han Solo and Chewbacca Star Wars figure review

Hot Toys debuts Batman from Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice

Hot Toys may be waist deep in Iron Man armors and Star Wars everything, but Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is definitely not going to be ignored.

Today, Hot Toys revealed the new look Batman based on Ben Affleck’s version in the highly anticipated film. I’m probably going to wait to see how the film does, but I am intrigued about starting a DC Hot Toys movie universe to rival the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Continue reading Hot Toys debuts Batman from Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice