Tag Archives: Loki

Cosplay Confidential: Katieasaur Cosplay

Katieasaur Cosplay as Katniss EverdeenNew round of Cosplay Confidential featuring a relative newcomer to the scene who’s now entering her third year of cosplay. Let’s hear from her now … Continue reading Cosplay Confidential: Katieasaur Cosplay

Review: “Thor: The Dark World”

Film Frame/Marvel Studios Thor (Chris Hemsworth).
Film Frame/Marvel Studios
Thor (Chris Hemsworth).

There’s two ways to make a successful comic book movie. One takes a comic property and force it to fit in a more reality-based setting a la Christopher Nolan. The other sees the filmmaker happily embrace the source material’s limitless imagination and brings that larger than life world to the big screen.
Like its big brother, “Marvel’s The Avengers,” the latest Marvel Studios release, “Thor: The Dark World,” is a full-force comic book spectacle. It’s packed with a ton of superhero grand scale action, complex characters and never loses sight of one of the most important traits of this comic book movie sub genre — it’s a heck of a lot of fun.

Continue reading Review: “Thor: The Dark World”

Review: Thor (2011)

Photo credit: Courtesy of Paramount Pictures / Marvel Studios Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in "THOR," from Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment.
Paramount Pictures / Marvel Studios
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in “THOR.”

[2012 Flash Forward: Following the unexpected success of 2008’s “Iron Man” and perfectly acceptable “The Incredible Hulk,” Marvel Studios continued its momentum for “The Avengers” with “Iron Man 2,” but it’s biggest challenge was to come with 2011’s “Thor.” Audiences weened on science-fiction could buy a genius making his own suit of armor and who knows what a different type of radiation could do to you so it could turn you into a raging monster, but Thor was another story entirely. Continue reading Review: Thor (2011)

Check out the cast of “Thor: The Dark World” at the London premiere

www.ddphotography.com Tom Hiddleston greets fans.
Tom Hiddleston greets fans.

It seems rare for the main cast members to all be present for a big premiere of their films these days, and that was the case with “Thor: The Dark World,” but with the exception of Anthony Hopkins and Rene Russo, the rest of the gang were on hand Oct. 22 for the London premiere of the movie, including everyone’s favorite “villain” Tom Hiddleston. Enjoy the pics! Continue reading Check out the cast of “Thor: The Dark World” at the London premiere

New images from “Thor: The Dark World”

Marvel Studios Loki (Tom Hiddleston) & Thor (Chris Hemsworth)
Marvel Studios
Loki (Tom Hiddleston) & Thor (Chris Hemsworth)

There’s not much I’m looking forward to seeing in September and October. For me, the next exciting month of the remaining 2013 movie season is definitely November and it kicks off in a big way with “Thor: The Dark World.”

Figured I’d share some of my excitement by taking a look at some new images from the film. Enjoy. Continue reading New images from “Thor: The Dark World”

Is Loki evil enough to torment Cookie Monster?

You can turn Hawkeye into a humorless assassin. You can call Black Widow a mewling quim. Heck, you can even (maybe) kill Agent Phil Coulson, but it takes a true villain to keep Cookie Monster from his cookies.

Loki Tom Hiddleston and Cookie MonsterTom Hiddleston, known to most of the movie-going public now as Loki from “Thor” and “Marvel’s The Avengers,” teased a hint of his evil alter ego with everyone’s favorite sweet addict this side of Winnie the Pooh in a lesson in delayed gratification, but it seems not even Loki’s evil enough to hold out on Cookie Monster for long….

How great is Hiddleston? The guy is seriously starting to give Andrew Garfield and Robert Downey Jr. a run for their money as the comic book actor most fans would trade in their collections to meet.

What’s really cool about this is that Hiddleston isn’t doing the expected talk show publicity blitz. He’s just being himself and if this helps you remember that he will be back to playing the awesome Loki in “Thor: The Dark World” coming out on Nov. 8 all the better. He’s gonna have an amazing time regardless.

Loki won’t be back for “Avengers 2” – but he should return for an Avengers vs. Defenders film

Zade Rosenthal/Marvel Studios Tom Hiddleston as Loki in "Marvel's The Avengers."
Zade Rosenthal/Marvel Studios
Tom Hiddleston as Loki in “Marvel’s The Avengers.”

Since the title of the sequel to the third highest grossing film of all time is “The Avengers: Age of Ultron,” it shouldn’t really come as a surprise, but Loki won’t be up to his mischievous tricks to torment Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Continue reading Loki won’t be back for “Avengers 2” – but he should return for an Avengers vs. Defenders film