Tag Archives: Marvel’s The Avengers

Star Wars: The Force Awakens set to dethrone Avatar as all-time highest grossing movie

James Cameron’s stranglehold on the top two spots on the all-time highest grossing list may be coming to a close thanks to Rey, Finn, Poe and BB-8.

In setting a new record for best worldwide opening weekend, Star Wars: The Force Awakens has begun stirring up interests with box office forecasters of this being the chosen one to displace Titanic ($658.6 million) and record holder Avatar ($760.5 million). Continue reading Star Wars: The Force Awakens set to dethrone Avatar as all-time highest grossing movie

Kevin Feige isn’t bummed ‘Jurassic World’ beat ‘Avengers’ record

At least Marvel’s exec is a good sport about ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ getting dethroned as the all-time best box office debut king.

‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ eying biggest box office opening in history

Avengers - Age of Ultron - Thor, Cap, Hawkeye, Stark and Rhodey

The Avengers are poised to rewrite the box office record books again in a major way.

Friday estimates suggest ‘Age of Ultron‘ will hit $97 million. If that proves true, ‘Ultron’ will zoom past ‘Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows Part 2,’ which is the current opening day record holder with $91 million. Updated estimates now have the Marvel Studios juggernaut steamrolling the competition for a record $220 million opening weekend. The previous record holder was ‘The Avengers‘ with $207 million.

Avengers: Age of Ultron box office – $27.6 million opening night

Avengers - Age of Ultron - Captain America and ThorAs expected, ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ is already laying waste to the box office with an Ultron army siege of Thursday night theaters that brought in $27.6 million

It took ‘The Avengers‘ only two days to reach $100 million in the more traditional Friday to Saturday comparison and it earned $18.7 million in opening night screenings so ‘Ultron’ is on an scorching pace to topple its predecessor.

Avengers - Age of Ultron - UltronThe Avengers are eying the $91 million ‘Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2‘ brought in and that target looks well within range.

While the first film was a massive hit with critics earning a 92% freshness rating on rottentomatoes.com, the sequel has only managed 75% freshness. That’s doubtful to hurt the opening weekend, but it’ll be interesting to see if the newness has worn off for some audience members after the anticipated blockbuster opening weekend.

I’ll keep following this all weekend as I’m curious just how many box office records get shattered.

‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ review – The new standard of comic book excellence

Courtesy Walt Disney Pictures [From Left] Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), and Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) prepare for the final battle

One of the biggest questions for this summer movie season was would arguably the most ambitious blockbuster project actually deliver? After all, Marvel Studios invested four years and five films into setting up “Marvel’s The Avengers.”

After seeing it twice, I was tempted to simply write stop what you’re doing and go see it right now. No, seriously. Go right now. But in case you needed more convincing, here goes. Continue reading ‘Marvel’s The Avengers’ review – The new standard of comic book excellence

Why DC/Warner nearly lost the superhero movie arms race and how to fix it #DCComics

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It’s funny how things work out sometimes. I was already well underway with this when Warner Bros./DC announced its massive slate of 10 comic book films through 2020.

This seemed a knee-jerk response to the mere rumor that almost broke the net Monday that Robert Downey Jr. is in final negotiations to appear in “Captain America 3.”

deluxe-kids-rocket-raccoon-costumeAnd while the DC announcement is impressive just for the sheer scope of it, to a lot of folks (myself included), this was yet another desperate attempt from WB/DC to keep their characters relevant in an age where more kids will be dressing up as Rocket Raccoon (Deluxe Kids Rocket Raccoon Costume) for Halloween than Green Lantern.

But it’s hardly the first misstep from the WB/DC camp in bungling a can’t miss cinematic universe to match their Marvel/DC rivals. Instead of a colossal clash of the titans, Marvel/Disney is just sitting back, in essence saying “that’s cute” to the DC announcements and then letting a mere rumor dominate the social media landscape.

This problem didn’t start overnight though and was the result of more than a decade of negligence from the WB/DC execs. I’m going to examine the biggest mistakes that led WB/DC to this point and what they can do to finally become a legitimate competitor to Marvel Studios’ films. Continue reading Why DC/Warner nearly lost the superhero movie arms race and how to fix it #DCComics

Josh Brolin will star as Thanos in “Guardians of the Galaxy” #Thanos #GuardiansOfTheGalaxy

Thanos-AvengersWe only got a teaser of Marvel’s death-dealing villain in the post credits scene of “Marvel’s The Avengers,” but now we’re gonna get a good glimpse of Thanos in “Guardians of the Galaxy” and he’ll be played by Josh Brolin according to Latino Review.

josh brolin to play thanosBrolin is no stranger to comic book movies, starring in the unfortunate misfire “Jonah Hex” with Megan Fox and Michael Fassbender, but this role should prove a lot more substantial.

It’s all but a certainty that Thanos will be playing a significant role as the major villain in “The Avengers 3” and there’s a rumor that he may also pop up for another cameo in “The Avengers: Age of Ultron,” which is set for next year.