Tag Archives: The Avengers: Age of Ultron

New “The Avengers: Age of Ultron” poster shines light on new member

Here’s our latest look at Earth’s Mightiest Heroes as they assemble in preparation to tangle with Ultron.I’m still decidedly on the “CAN’T WAIT!!!!” mindset. Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver join the main team and in the distance soaking in the sun is new member Vision, who is being kept out of the main spotlight … for now.


Nice to see Captain America taking center stage and not Iron Man for a change.

Also, that’s so amazingly considerate of Marvel Studios to make this a vertical poster as I’m already envisioning where I’ll be displaying it at home.

Chris Evans proves he doesn’t need his Captain America costume to be a hero

Chris Evans with 9-year-old KennySo helping The Avengers take down Ultron will only be the second best thing Chris Evans will do over the next 12 months.

Evans, who plays Captain America in the Marvel Studios franchise, visited Kenny Botting, a nine-year-old fan fighting cancer, on Dec. 29. Kenny underwent brain surgery in September and is recovering at Christopher’s Haven, a Boston-area recovery center for youth battling cancer. Continue reading Chris Evans proves he doesn’t need his Captain America costume to be a hero

Scarlett Johansson shares a birthday with this Avengers co-star

Mark RuffaloMark Ruffalo (47) – The critics adored you in “Begin Again” and the raves are already rolling in for “Foxcatcher,” and of course I’m looking forward to you reprising your role as Dylan Rhodes in “Now You See Me 2” in 2016. Until then I suppose I’ll just have to be satisfied with your awesome portrayal of Bruce Banner in “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” Sigh.

Want your own Mark Ruffalo figure? Hot Toys made a Bruce Banner figure you can grab now: Marvel Bruce Banner Marvel Sixth Scale Figure

Continue reading Scarlett Johansson shares a birthday with this Avengers co-star

Robert Downey Jr. joins “Captain America 3” prompting the biggest Civil War questions

Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr.Leave it to Marvel Studios to be the only studio capable of upstaging itself. While its next big blockbuster, “The Avengers: Age of Ultron,” could potentially be the biggest film of all time when it hits theaters next May, the comic/movie world was rocked with the news that Robert Downey Jr. will be joining “Captain America 3,” to kick off the Marvel cinematic version of the Civil War storyline, which pitted Captain America against Iron Man.

By the way, how smart does Warner Bros./DC look now for getting “Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice” the heck out of dodge for a showdown against “Cap 3” now?

For those unfamiliar with the comic, longtime allies and friends Captain America and Tony Stark/Iron Man find themselves on opposite sides of a proposed superhero registration bill, which requires heroes to be registered in order to do their historic deeds. Cap is not at all in favor of the plan and he leads a resistance force of heroes against the government’s team led by Iron Man, Reed Richards and Hank Pym. Spider-Man finds himself torn between the two factions. The story looks to be every bit as ambitious as the large-scale Avenger films and promises to dramatically shake up status quo once again in the Marvel cinematic universe, but there’s a slew of questions that need to be answered. Here’s the big ones… Continue reading Robert Downey Jr. joins “Captain America 3” prompting the biggest Civil War questions

Two of the Avengers big 3 may be sitting out “Avengers 3” #Avengers

The Avengers - Iron Man Robert Downey Jr, Captain America Chris Evans, Thor Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner Hawkeye, Black Widow Scarlett Johansson

In a move reminiscent of the comic book, some of the founding members of The Avengers may not be back for “Avengers 3.” Continue reading Two of the Avengers big 3 may be sitting out “Avengers 3” #Avengers