Tag Archives: Inception

#MovieQuote of the Day – Inception (2010)

ken_watanabe_inception“Don’t you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone!”

-Saito (Ken Watanabe)

 From one of my Top 20 all-time favorite films.



New pictures from “Iron Man 3”

Film Frame/Walt Disney Pictures
Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) in “Iron Man 3.”

Walt Disney Pictures released a slew of new images from next summer’s safest bet to be a blockbuster – “Iron Man 3” returning Robert Downey Jr. as the Armored Avenger as he squares off against his main adversary, The Mandarin – played by Sir Ben Kingsley.  Continue reading New pictures from “Iron Man 3”

‘Inception’ review

One of the more exciting parts of this gig, besides seeing modern-day classics like Macgruber and Marmaduke of course, is seeing a brilliant film for the first time. Nothing can quite top that sense of awe and wonder about what’s going to happen next. While it won’t be the exact same, I imagine that in watching Inception very little of that awe and wonder will diminish from one of the most groundbreaking and original films I’ve seen in the last decade.

Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures

This really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone since Inception was written and directed by Christopher Nolan, the genius behind Memento, The Prestige and the second highest grossing movie of all time The Dark Knight. This is Nolan’s sixth full-length film, and marks the last indicator that he’s operating on a totally different level than his peers. He doesn’t need 3D or any other here today, gone tomorrow fad to sell movie tickets. His gimmick? Exemplary storytelling that draws you in and keeps you thinking about what you’ve just witnessed long after the final credits. Continue reading ‘Inception’ review